Meaning Of Loaf

       Taking the easy road through life

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saturday Night At The Movies

First of all, I wanted to quickly explain the titles for posts this year; in case they seem a little odd, I'm trying to find a suitable song title for each post. This is because; a) It takes less thought to just put a few words in the iTunes search box to find something imaginative and b) I've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy. Anyway, onto the post...

It's that time of year again when the main flood of movie trailers come out and I start whittling down the wish list of which ones I must go to the cinema for, which ones I may way watch, and those to avoid at all costs.

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (trailer)
Yes, I'm a sucker action, special effects and great one liners, and the first film delivered all three by the truckload. Looking at the trailer for the second one coming out this year, they're stepping it up a notch, because this just looks awesome. Currently sitting at the top of my list with very little to challenge it!

Hancock (trailer)
I was first introduced to Will Smith as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and although he's done some very impressive straight acting, I still like to see him in a comedy. I think this one appeals to me because if the trailer is anything to go by, it's certainly different to anything I've seen in a while, and it looks like he does a good job of playing the reluctant super hero. So far, this would be my comedy choice for the summer.

Cloverfield (trailer)
Ok, so this one is still a little shrouded in mystery, and they're really not giving too much away (although I've not looked too hard because I like surprises), so to be honest, I want to see this purely on the fact that it has J.J. Abrams attached to it, who for those who don't know, is an executive producer for Lost, another favorite of mine. Not quite sure where to rate this one, but curiosity is compelling me to see it.

Sweeney Todd (trailer)
This has just come out recently over here, and if I can convince a few others into coming along, I'd like to see this while it's still at the cinema, as I think this is one of those films that really works on the big screen with a full on sound system. Johnny Depp looks like he pulls off the roll effortlessly, and no-one plays crazy like Helena Bonham Carter, so really hope I see this one before it disappears!

What I won't be seeing

Alvin And The Chipmunks
I found the TV series annoying enough the first time round, there's no way I'm going to sit through movie length version of it! But please, this time round, spare us from their music on the radio as well!

Sex And The City
On behalf of husbands and boyfriends everywhere, I plead with the female population to realise that we don't want to sit through this. We sat through it while you watched it on TV, and then again when you bought it on the box set. We really thought it was over, don't put us through it again!

So, thoughts & opinions? What's everyone else's big movie choices for 2008?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Looking back, Looking forward

A Happy New Year to all!

Originally I was going to make the first post of this year looking back over last year, and then looking ahead for this year, then decided it's much better to leave the past in the past and just look forward to what's to come! I also planned to have this post ready by the 1st January. Oh well, start as I mean to go on...

So far, this has been a good year. Yes, all 5 days of it have been excellent, today topping the list for sure!

This morning, I went for my motorbike theory test, and passed. To be honest, if I'd not passed, I'd have never lived it down. I mean after 15 or so years of driving, I'd like to think I've pretty much got the theory of roads down, and to be fair, the questions were a mixture of stuff I knew and common sense (which is always a bit of a push at 9.15 in the morning).

In celebration of passing this, I decided to take a wander down to the local Suzuki dealership, just to have a look around and drool over some bikes. As I walked in the door, there it was: the very bike I was after, in the colour I wanted, and £600 off. I immediately summoned the salesman.

After a few technical questions that I'd learnt from bike magazines to make it look like I knew what I was talking about, I decided to ask a little more about this bike in particular:

Me: So what's the mileage on it?

Salesman: Mileage? Well it's new, there's not really any mileage.

Me: So you're selling it for this price new?

Salesman: Yes.

Me: .....Name your deposit, I shall pay it!

So after the exchange of cash and paperwork, I'm now the pseudo-owner of a Suzuki GSX-R600 K7. I say pseudo, as until I pass the practical test, I can't actually pick it up, but what an incentive to pass! As for now, I'll just have to lust after the picture:

Oh yes, it shall be mine!

So, to round up, it wouldn't be a new year post without some resolutions, so here's mine for this year:

Have more adventures - I think this is pretty much underway with buying the bike.

Find a woman - It's time to kick start the dating again. The bike may also help here; chicks dig bikes right?

I could also make the same resolution to eat healthy and get in shape, but we all know where that ends up each year.

So, I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be a great year, and hope it is for all of you as well!