Meaning Of Loaf

       Taking the easy road through life

Monday, August 20, 2007

New and Improved!

This is it, the big post, the 100th post of this blog! Honestly, I never thought it would keep going this long and was sure I would have given up by now.

[Cue acceptance speech music]
But it's been made possible by all the wonderful and loyal readers who have stuck with me, I love you all! Sob.

Ok, enough of that.

Onto the big news for this post; after a few false starts, I've finally got the eye surgery done!
So, Saturday morning, I was taken to the clinic (taxi laid on for me in leiu of all the cancellations), where I had to go through the usual disclaimer forms. No liability for loss of sight.....won't sue for unexpected the event of your death....the usual stuff.

Then, after being fitted with a tasteful hairnet and booties to put over my shoes, which I'm sure were for the surgons entertainment as much as safety, I was laid out on the table, given the anesthetic drops and rolled under the machine. At this point, I was beginning to wish I'd worn a more absorbant underwear, but hid it well.

The next bit get's a little graphic, but what the hell.

First, they clamp open the eye with something that gave me flashbacks to Clockwork Orange, and put a vaccum on the eye to hold it in place while they cut a flap. This is probbly the most unpleasant part, as it really does feel like your eye is being sucked out, but only lasts 30 seconds, so not too bad. While it's being sucked on, the laser cuts a flap in the surface of the eye, which is then peeled back once the sunction is removed. After that, they rolled me under the laser and start reshaping, at which point I could smell your eye burning. It's somewhat like burnt matches, or for those with more troubled childhoods, like burning ants under a magnifying glass.

The whole thing was over in about 15 minutes, and I have to say, I didn't feel a thing. Although my description of the operation may put some people off, it's a mild discomfort at most, and is over in no time, so if you're thinking of having it done, I'd highly recommend it.

Now, I'm just waiting for them to settle down, and although things are still a little misty, kind of like seeing the world in some cheap soap opera dream sequence, I can see that my sight is already as good as, if not better, than with the glasses, so as you can imagine, I'm happy!

As you can see, they're still looking a little bloodshot, but hopefully that will disappear in a week or two, and then I can post up a more flattering picture!


  • It actually looks like your all hoped up on crack man, but go ahead and blame the laser!

    I want this badly! My vision is not even that bad...but it seems cool!

    By Blogger Jenny!, at 8:55 pm  

  • Congratulations on both your 100th post, and the successful surgery.

    Did they give you those awesome old people sunglasses to wear around? If so, I want a picture of that, please.

    By Blogger The [Cherry] Ride, at 12:25 am  

  • The eyes look awesome! I hope they stay like that, because you kind of look like The Terminator.

    By Blogger Dr. Kenneth Noisewater, at 4:52 am  

  • Jenny; already been asked if I've been shooting heroin in my eyes!

    Cherry; thankfully not having to wear the old peoples glasses, just a new pair of Oakleys, although I probably still look retarded wearing them outside when it's pouring with rain!

    Dr Ken; I'm loving freaking people out with my eyes!

    By Blogger Loaf, at 6:40 pm  

  • Wow, thank you for the description! Now I know I will never get it done! *LOL*

    You look fab, I'm glad you had it done and are healing well. :)

    By Blogger Sara, at 8:53 pm  

  • Ok...we need an update now!

    By Blogger Jenny!, at 5:51 pm  

  • Shooting heroin in your eyes again? That is SO Trainspotting!

    By Blogger classyandfancy, at 3:07 pm  

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